How to relieve menstrual cramps naturally

How to Relieve Menstrual Cramps Naturally

This post is about how to relieve menstrual cramps naturally.

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Menstrual cramps are a different experience for everyone. Some women barely notice them and some experience a lot of pain that interferes with their life a few days every month.

Menstrual cramps or period pain are so common today that it is normalized in society. Many think that the pain is something that you just can’t avoid if you happen to have a uterus. But that isn’t the truth. It is possible to have a pain free period! 

It is not weird that shedding the inner lining of an organ inside your body brings a sense of discomfort. But it is not normal to have so much pain that you continuously need to take painkillers, just to make it through.

Pain is your body trying to tell you that something is wrong.
It is a cry for a necessary change. Listen to the pain and ask yourself these questions: Am I taking care of my body? Nourishing it with healthy foods? Taking time to rest, unwind and sleep? Exercising to keep the blood and energy flowing?

I have menstrual cramps from hell myself. The ones that force you to stay home from work, make you throw up and wish you could stop existing for a while, to just escape the pain. That’s me the first 24 hours if I don’t take pain killers! (:

What I notice is that lifestyle affects my period a lot. If I stress a lot and eat a lot of processed food and sugar, my period cramps are much worse that month. But why? What actually causes menstrual cramps to begin with?


What Causes Menstrual Cramps?

Menstrual cramps occur when the uterus contracts to shed its inner lining, so it can flow out as menstruation. These contractions can be barely noticeable, a little uncomfortable or come with a lot of pain. The pain can be felt in the abdomen but also radiate to the lower back and thighs. It can also cause other symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches and fatigue.

When the uterine lining prepares to shed, hormone-like compounds called prostaglandins are released. These are necessary to get the uterus to contract and shed its lining. There are three different groups of prostaglandins, and group 2 is often considered ”bad” because it causes inflammation.

Although all prostaglandins have a purpose and are necessary, an excess of prostaglandin group 2 causes more severe menstrual cramps. Too many of those prostaglandins make both longer and stronger contractions, which results in reduced blood flow and oxygen in the uterus, causing pain. You can compare it with holding a plank until it hurts because the constant contraction makes that oxygen can’t get into the cells of the muscle, therefore causing this burning sensation/pain.


Primary & Secondary menstrual pain

Primary menstrual pain is when an underlying health condition can’t be identified. Secondary menstrual pain is when the pain is caused by an underlying health condition such as endometriosis, uterine fibriods, PID or adenomyosis.

Even today the causes of primary menstrual pain are not fully understood, but it is considered to be because of an excess of prostaglandinsThe production of prostaglandins is higher when there is inflammation in the body, as an inflamed tissue produces more prostaglandins. This is also why anti inflammatory pain killers work against the painful cramps, because they inhibit the production of prostaglandins and reduce inflammation.

The reason why the birth control pill is often presented as a solution, is because it will block the ovulation and prevent the building up and shedding of the uterine lining all together. Of course this is not a durable solution to the problem, as it will shut down the entire reproductive system. Also as the root cause isn’t addressed, the pain will return once you stop taking the birth control.

Because neither synthetic birth control nor pain killers are healthy symptom relievers and each of them carry other health risks, I have made a list of tips to relieve menstrual cramps naturally. These natural tips have no serious side effects and many even have health benefits!

A women experiencing menstrual cramps

8 Tips to Relieve Menstrual Cramps Naturally

These are 8 tips to relieve menstrual cramps naturally right now. Use them for immediate results!

1. Heating pad.

My number one remedy. Resting on the couch or in bed with a hot heating pad on the belly really takes away so much of the pain. Heat helps with relaxation of the muscles by increasing blood flow to the area. The increased blood flow will also dilute the concentration of prostaglandins and bring more oxygen to the area and therefore lessen the pain! A heating pad or hot water bottle is such an easy (and free) solution and I couldn’t survive without it.

2. CBD oil.

CBD (cannabidiol) oil is an oil with compounds from the cannabis plant that has healing properties. It does not contain the psychoactive substance that makes you high, so it is legal in most countries. CBD oil has shown to be able to reduce inflammation, pain, anxiety and depression. A dropper full of a good quality and organic CBD oil under the tongue can really help you relax and take away the sharp edge of the pain.

3. Topical Magnesium oil.

Magnesium is a mineral that is effective in relaxing muscles and nerves. Applying magnesium oil on your skin will result in a quicker absorption than through eating it in the form of supplements. This because it goes directly from the skin into the bloodstream. You can apply magnesium oil on your belly and lower back to relieve menstrual cramps naturally.

✧ Topical Magnesium oil ~ Ancient minerals

4. Taking a hot shower or bath.

Another way to help your pelvic muscles relax is to take a hot shower or bath. The warmth of the hot water will aid in relaxing your muscles and increase the blood flow, which helps relieving menstrual cramps naturally. To increase the healing effects of the bath you could add Epsom salt and a few drops of essential oils. These can help relaxing the muscles even more! Some cramp relieving essential oils are lavender, cinnamon and sage.

Epsom salt ~ Elexir
Organic essential oils

5. Light exercise & stretching.

Light exercise like yin yoga, walking or stretching increases the blood circulation in the body. It also releases endorphins which help with any pain that you are experiencing. Also stretching out tense muscles like the lower back and hips relieves tension and relaxes the muscles, which can relieve the cramping. Exercising may the the last thing you would want to do, but doing some gentle exercise for only 15 minutes can already have positive effects!

6. Drink herbal tea.

Drinking herbal tea can help with relieving menstrual cramps because of the healing properties of herbs. Also drinking herbal tea will keep you hydrated and warm! Herbs can have anti inflammatory and antispasmodic properties which means they can help reduce inflammation and help against muscle spasms. Here are some examples of herbs that can help relieve menstrual cramps naturally:

  • Ginger: Highly anti inflammatory, helps with nausea and stimulates blood circulation.
  • Turmeric: Highly anti inflammatory.
  • Cinnamon: Anti inflammatory and helps with heavy bleeding.
  • Chamomile: Relaxing and antispasmodic.
  • Fennel: Has antispasmodic properties.
  • Raspberry leaf: Supports a healthy menstrual cycle and tones the uterus.

7. REST.

Often when we have menstrual pain, we are taught to just pop a painkiller and suck it up. So we often just do that: working and doing the same just like on any other day. But ignoring our bodies can result in even more pain and discomfort. Taking time to rest is so important, especially when you are menstruating. By allowing yourself to rest, sleep and let go of stress, you honor both your body and your cycle. Resting and really listening to your body’s needs can relieve menstrual cramps immensely.

8. Drink more water.

If you are dehydrated it will actually worsen your menstrual cramps. Drinking enough water keeps your body from retaining water and feeling bloated, which can relieve some of the tension and pain when experiencing menstrual cramps. Drinking hot herbal tea is especially soothing and can help relieve menstrual cramps by both providing you with hydration and warmth!

Resting and drinking tea while experiencing menstrual pain.



10 Tips to Prevent Menstrual Cramps

These are things to think of during the month to prevent menstrual cramps when you get your period. Often lifestyle changes are the most impactful ones!

1. Use anti inflammatory herbs and spices in cooking.

Including anti inflammatory herbs and spices in your food can help to lower general inflammation in the body. Less inflammation will also reduce the amount of prostaglandins produced. Some anti inflammatory herbs and spices are turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, garlic, black pepper and rosemary. Try to add them into your diet every day!
Golden Milk is a delicious creamy drink with a lot of potent anti inflammatory herbs in it. You could drink Golden Milk every day the week before you period to get all the anti inflammatory benefits. Other examples to include herbs in your food:

  • Add a sprinkle of cinnamon to your oatmeal, yogurt or hot chocolate.
  • Make super healthy ginger shots (and add fresh turmeric!)
  • Add turmeric with a pinch of black pepper into smoothies.
  • Add a lot of garlic when cooking dinner.

2. Magnesium supplements.

Magnesium is an important mineral that helps relaxing muscles. Taking a good quality magnesium supplement during the month can help in preventing menstrual cramps. Magnesium also reduces prostaglandins, helps the liver with flushing out excess estrogen, reduces anxiety and calms the nervous system. You can also eat more dark leafy greens, nuts and seeds like pumpkin seeds to increase your natural intake of magnesium.

Read: The best supplements for a healthy menstrual cycle
Magnesium supplement ~ Solgar

3. Cut the sugar.

Sugar is not your friend. It promotes inflammation and the production of ”bad” prostaglandins, which leads to more pain. It can also cause blood sugar imbalances which makes you even crankier than before. Try to stay away from sugar and refined carbohydrates especially the week before your period to keep a more stable mood and to prevent menstrual cramps.

4. Keep your stress levels low.

A study showed that women with high stress levels are twice as likely to experience painful menstrual cramps. This was especially the case when the stress occurred in the follicular phase (leading up to ovulation) of the cycle. Practicing stress relief is there for a good preventative care for painful menstrual cramps! You can practice yoga, meditation, walking or do breathing techniques every day to unwind and keep your stress levels low.

5. Exercise regularly.

Exercise helps in preventing menstrual cramps due to increased blood and energy flow in the body. It also reduces stress and releases endorphins which make you feel good and act as a natural pain killer in the body. A study showed that exercising regularly provided a large pain reduction in menstrual cramps compared to no exercise at all. The regular exercise in the study was 45-60 minutes three times a week. It can be any kind of exercise, from yoga to zumba dancing or weight lifting.

6. Avoid caffeine and alcohol.

Both caffeine and alcohol can make menstrual cramps worse. Alcohol works pro inflammatory, dehydrates you, strains the liver and has an overall negative effect on the entire body. Caffeine can cause bloating, dehydrate you, constrain blood vessels and increases the stress hormone cortisol . These are all factors that contribute to worsen menstrual cramps. Give your body a break from both caffeinated drinks and alcohol. It will lower inflammation in the body and therefore help to relieve menstrual cramps naturally.

7. Eat a healthy diet.

To lower inflammation in the body you should aim at eat healthy and anti inflammatory foods! Omega 3 contributes to make the ”good” prostaglandins while Omega 6 contributes in making the ”bad” prostaglandins. Avoid processed foods and food high in sugar, as they increase inflammation. Also keeping your blood sugar levels stable is important for both a good mood and prevention of painful cramps on your period.

8. Sunlight and vitamin D + Calcium.

Vitamin D is a really important vitamin which we often lack up in the north where it is really dark during winter time. We get around 80% of our vitamin D from the sun and 20% from our food. Therefore sun exposure is the best source of vitamin D. Vitamin D together with calcium has been shown to reduce menstrual cramps. This is because low vitamin D levels increase the production of prostaglandings and low calcium levels lead to an increase in uterine contractions. Eating food with Vitamin D & Calcium and taking supplement when sunlight is scarce can therefore help in preventing menstrual cramps.

D-vitamin supplement ~ Holistic
Raw calcium supplement ~ Garden of Life

9. Acupuncture.

Acupuncture treatment can be effective in relieving menstrual cramps. It is a traditional Chinese healing technique using thin needles on specific areas on the skin to stimulate self healing of the body. When the body isn’t balanced there will be health implications. By stimulating certain energy points on the body, those imbalances will be encouraged to heal itself. Acupuncture can be a great preventitive care for menstrual cramps, and even have long term effects. If you suffer from bad menstrual cramps, giving acupuncture a try can be worth it!

10. Yoni steams.

Ever heard of Yoni steaming? It is the ancient practice of sitting over a steaming pot of herbal water, letting the steam gently permeate the exterior of the vagina. This practice is healing, toning and revitalizing. One of the benefits of yoni steaming is to reduce menstrual cramps! Also it is said to help relax the pelvic muscles, detoxifying both physically and emotionally, support the menstrual cycle and increase fertility.
Although there aren’t any scientific articles to prove its efficiency, it has been practiced by women and holistic healers for ages all over the world and many women swear by it. Again, it can be worth a try!

Read: The Benefits of Yoni Steaming & How to Yoni Steam at Home

Healing menstrual cramps naturally with herbs.

Summary: Healing your Period Pain

The best way to heal period pain is to get to know the reason you’re having it in the first place. Don’t just accept that the reason is because you happen to have a uterus.

The first step in relieving menstrual cramps naturally is to reduce inflammation in the body. Start by eating a healthy diet, cut out inflammatory food (sugar, alcohol, caffeine) and increase anti inflammatory food (dark leafy greens, fruits and herbs). Also exercise regularly to increase the blood flow in the body and prevent energy stagnation. Besides that you should not forget to sleep and rest enough and keep your stress levels low. After making these lifestyle changes, you can start looking at supplements, herbs and other holistic treatments to aid you on your pain free period journey!

When nothing seems to work, don’t feel bad to use painkillers until you find a more sustainable solution to the problem.
If you really are in pain I think they can be a much needed savior! Even if I personally try to avoid them, I still take them if it is absolutely necessary and when nothing else works, which often is on the first day of my period. After the first day when the intensity of the pain has lowered, I can ease the pain with all these natural tips for menstrual cramp relief!

I hope you will find relief with these natural tips and that you will soon have a pain free period! <3

//By Bo Smit


A Note From Bo!

I’m not a doctor and I can’t tell you what is best for your body. This blog post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this blog, website or in any linked materials.



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