How to make a natural purple toner for blonde hair

How to make Natural Purple Toner for Blonde Hair

If you are looking for a natural purple toner to get rid of yellow shades in your hair, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post I will tell you how to make and use a natural purple toner to get that cool blonde hair shade!

Having blonde hair takes a little bit of care. After a while your blonde hair can get a yellow undertone, which makes it look dull and unnatural. Going to the hairdresser for regular fix ups is also expensive not to mention damaging to your hair.

To keep your blond locks looking fresh and lustrous, you’ll need to use a purple shampoo, conditioner or purple toner. But the store bought purple shampoos usually contain toxic chemicals and harsh dyes that completely dry out your hair. So to get a color correction without damaging your hair, the best thing would be to use something gentle and natural.

This natural purple toner is easy to make, inexpensive and also a nourishing treatment for your hair!


Why use a Purple Toner?

Your blonde or silver colored hair can loose its luster and turn yellow overtime. Especially exposure to sunlight, chlorinated pools or hard water can speed up the process of loosing color. This is of course something you want to avoid! But if it happens, which it probably will, we have to use the power of purple.

Using a purple toner will distribute a purple pigment through your hair and add a shade on top. This means that it does not alter the original color of your hair in any way. Instead it simply adjusts the color and sets off unwanted colors by adding a temporary layer of pigment. The great thing about this is that you can simply wash it out if you accidentally let it sit for too long and get a purple hue on your hair!

But why purple? The color purple is used on blonde hair to neutralize yellow tones. Purple is the opposite of yellow on the color wheel and that’s why adding purple evens out yellow. The hair strands will absorb a little amount of purple pigment which will cancel out the brassy yellow tones in your hair.

Purple toner, shampoo or conditioner?

You can choose to either use a purple shampoo, purple conditioner or purple toner. It depends on what you want to accomplish with it. 

Personally, I do not prefer purple shampoos because they’re often very harsh and really dried out my hair. A purple shampoo can be great if you need to adjust the color on the hair close to the scalp. But if you have long hair, using shampoo on the length strips all the oil, leaving it very dry and brittle. Even if it leaves a pretty color, a purple shampoo will not contribute to natural healthy locks!

Because of the above, I prefer a natural purple conditioner or toner. The purple conditioner will not only leave you with a cooler shade, but also moisturize and nourish your hair at the same time. But as you don’t want to use conditioner on top on your head nor shampoo on the length of your hair, the perfect in between thing is: A purple toner. 

A purple toner will adjust the color of your whole hair, not strip your hair of moisture nor leave your hair heavy and oily.


Using natural products on your hair

If you want healthy and beautiful hair it is essential that you use natural products. Regular hair care products from the supermarket often contain harsh and toxic chemicals that are not making your hair any healthier. However, some of those ingredients can create the illusion of shinier and healthier hair, like silicones. 

The purple color in purple shampoo is due to an added synthethic chemical called CI60730, which is toxic for the skin. It is able to cause skin irritations, allergic reactions and is also really harmful if ingested, inhaled or comes into your eyes. Not an ingredient you want to use in the shower, where it comes in contact with your skin and maybe accidentally come into your eyes!

True natural products don’t contain ingredients like that. They instead contain ingredients that actually contribute to healthy hair, like herb extracts and oils! These give your hair a nourishing boost or gently cleanses away any build up without aggressively stripping your hair from its oils.

Read: 9 Tips on How to Grow your Hair Faster Naturally

Another reason to use natural hair care products is that you will not only make a better choice for your own hair and health, but also contribute to a healthier planet. Biodegradable and non-toxic ingredients don’t pollute the environment once you rinse them out of your hair, as chemical ones do.

Although, be aware of green washing when you are looking for a natural product! Just because a product uses the word natural on the label, doesn’t mean that all the ingredients actually are. Be sure to read the ingredient lists to see if the hair product is really what it claims to be. Sadly, it often isn’t natural at all. 

Even better than buying natural products is making a product yourself. By making a natural DIY product you will know exactly which ingredients it contains and be sure it’s all natural. You will also not have any plastic waste from containers that hair products normally are stored in. And lastly it will save you money by not having to buy expensive purple shampoos!


How to make Natural Purple Toner


The most natural dyes out there are the pigments from intensely colored plants, minerals and fruit! And one of those fruits are blueberries. Blueberries have an incredible purple color. When eating them your tongue gets dark purple and if you get stains on white clothes, well good luck to you! They are almost impossible to get out.

Blueberries get their intense color from a pigment called anthocyanin. This natural pigment is a perfect alternative to the chemical purple pigment CI60730. It as all natural, non-toxic and even have anti oxidant properties. You could eat this toner if you wanted to!

If your hair is bleached or colored it will be much more porous than hair that isn’t chemically colored. As color will set much better on porous hair, you’ll have to consider how long you let the purple natural toner sit. Letting it sit for too long can result in a purple hue.


  • 1-2 cups of frozen blueberries (depending on the length of your hair)
  • 2-4 tbsp aloe vera gel/a piece of aloe vera


  1. Let the frozen blueberries melt.
  2. Mix the blueberries and aloe vera thoroughly with a blender.
  3. Strain the blueberry mixture to remove the skins.
  4. Your toner is now done!

How to Tone your Hair with the Natural Purple Toner

Before you start, I recommend to wear clothes that you don’t care about as it will be really difficult to remove the stains. Also if you want to avoid purple stains along and under your nails you should wear gloves. Furthermore I recommend to tone your hair outside if possible to save yourself from cleaning up a colorful mess! 😉

  1. Wash your hair with a natural shampoo and conditioner (here is my all time favorite natural shampoo!) 
  2. Wait or blow dry your hair, it should’t be entirely dry but still a little moist.
  3. Take your freshly made blueberry toner and start to apply it to your hair in sections. Make sure the entire section of hair is soaked in the toner.
  4. Leave the toner on for 5-15 minutes, depending on how much yellow tones you have and how porous your hair is. Waiting for a longer time will give your hair a lilac glow as with any purple shampoo/toner you leave in too long.
  5. Now rinse your hair with cold water to get most of the toner out.
  6. Use a natural conditioner to finish, and rinse it out well with cold water.

Before and after photos

Before using a natural purple tonerMy hair after using a natural purple toner

And that’s it! This natural purple toner is going to help you maintain your cool blonde hair and adjust yellow colors that may pop up. It is an all natural, nourishing hair treatment and color correction in one, and will not dry out your hair like many purple shampoos do. 

Use it every other week more or less, depending on how often you wash your hair. Because the color will fade away naturally when you wash it!

If you want to see how I make the natural purple toner, how I apply it to my hair and a super clear before and after, you should watch my YouTube video below!


Will you give this natural purple toner a try? Let me know in the comments or tag me on Instagram @eearthyvibes if you decide to try it out!

If you are interested in more natural DIY beauty products, check out some of these posts: 


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